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“DT” is a challenging CrossFit WOD that combines weightlifting and high-repetition movements. Here’s the structure: “DT” 5 rounds for time: • 12 Deadlifts (155 pounds/105 kilograms for males, 105 pounds/75 kilograms for females) • 9 Hang Power Cleans • 6 Push Jerks Tips: 1. Pacing is Crucial: “DT” can be intense, so find a sustainable pace from the beginning to maintain consistency across all rounds. 2. Grip Management: The deadlifts and hang power cleans can tax your grip. Consider breaking up the sets strategically to manage fatigue. 3. Efficient Transitions: Minimize downtime between movements. Smooth transitions from deadlifts to hang power cleans to push jerks can make a significant difference. 4. Breathing Control: Focus on controlled breathing, especially during the more challenging push jerks. Efficient breathing can help maintain stamina. Benchmarks: Benchmarks for “DT” can vary based on individual strength and conditioning. Completing the workout within 10-15 minutes is a solid goal. Elite athletes may aim for times under 7-8 minutes.
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