
“DT” is a challenging CrossFit WOD that combines weightlifting and high-repetition movements. Here’s the structure:
5 rounds for time:
• 12 Deadlifts (155 pounds/105 kilograms for males, 105 pounds/75 kilograms for females)
• 9 Hang Power Cleans
• 6 Push Jerks
1. Pacing is Crucial: “DT” can be intense, so find a sustainable pace from the beginning to maintain consistency across all rounds.
2. Grip Management: The deadlifts and hang power cleans can tax your grip. Consider breaking up the sets strategically to manage fatigue.
3. Efficient Transitions: Minimize downtime between movements. Smooth transitions from deadlifts to hang power cleans to push jerks can make a significant difference.
4. Breathing Control: Focus on controlled breathing, especially during the more challenging push jerks. Efficient breathing can help maintain stamina.
Benchmarks for “DT” can vary based on individual strength and conditioning. Completing the workout within 10-15 minutes is a solid goal. Elite athletes may aim for times under 7-8 minutes.
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